A Concept Analysis for Improving Working Conditions


  • Zodwa Margaret Manyisa School of Nursing Sciences, North-West University




concept analysis, improvement of work conditions


Improving working conditions is a concept of significance in the workplace, particularly in the public health setting. This is because working conditions in public hospitals have been described in literature as horrendous, and have a direct impact on the employees and patients’ health and safety outcomes. However, despite these poor working conditions, attempts to rectify the situation in public hospitals are directed to only a few aspects of working conditions such as salaries and long working hours instead of adopting a systematic approach which will target the multifaceted and interrelated aspects of working conditions. The poor working conditions in public hospitals and their effects on the health and safety of both employees and patients in health settings call for clarification of the concept “improving working conditionsâ€. Clarification of the concept will clear the confusion regarding its meaning in healthcare settings, particularly in nursing. It will also assist healthcare workers, researchers and policymakers to direct their interventions on all issues that have an impact on working conditions. This paper explores the meaning of the concept of improving working conditions in the context of public hospitals.


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How to Cite

Manyisa, Zodwa Margaret. 2017. “A Concept Analysis for Improving Working Conditions”. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 19 (2):17 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2520-5293/1459.



Received 2016-09-03
Accepted 2017-07-10
Published 2018-01-10