Burning the Bones of the Dead as a War Atrocity: A Note on Amos 2:1


  • Paul Kruger Stellenbosch University




Amos 2, 1, Biblical War Atrocities,


This short note discusses the nature and significance of the war crime “burning the bones of the dead†referred to in Amos 2:1. A lack of historical data as far as the Hebrew Bible is concerned inhibits a more precise understanding of this serious accusation. After the presentation of a variety of examples from ancient Near Eastern sources (particularly from Assyrian war records) relating to the violation of the remains of the dead, especially the bones, it is now possible to gain a clearer picture of the severity of the crime in Amos. “Burning the bones†was conceived to be the complete annihilation of the memory of a dead person. Accordingly, a relationship between the living and the spirit of the dead is no longer possible, an aspect so essential in the life world of the ancient Near Eastern peoples.


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How to Cite

Kruger, Paul. 2017. “Burning the Bones of the Dead As a War Atrocity: A Note on Amos 2:1”. Journal for Semitics 26 (1):86-100. https://doi.org/10.25159/1013-8471/3109.



Received 2017-08-24
Accepted 2017-08-25
Published 2017-08-29