Religiosity in the Aesthetic of the Song of Songs


  • Pieter van der Zwan University of Pretoria



Song of Songs,


Two extremes in the interpretation of the Song of Songs are the allegorical and the literal, respectively representing the ancient and the modern way of understanding this poetry. As a result of this shift from the ancient to the modern, the religious elements of the Song have often been sacrificed. When its aesthetic nature, which has not been sufficiently appreciated, is considered from a psychological perspective, its embedded religious dimension can also be recognised and regained, even if it is different from what has traditionally been read into the Song.


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How to Cite

van der Zwan, Pieter. 2017. “Religiosity in the Aesthetic of the Song of Songs”. Journal for Semitics 26 (1):483-503.



Received 2017-08-24
Accepted 2017-08-25
Published 2017-08-29