
  • Magdel le Roux University of South Africa



Die literêre uitbeelding van die verhale in die boek Rigters weerspieël ʼn korporatiewe eenheid van stamme of sibbes waarin individue ook ʼn prominente rol speel. Binne die stammeorganisasie kan verwag word dat dié individue tipiese “ideale liggame†– heel manlike Israeliete – sal wees. In teenstelling daarmee speel “nie-ideale liggame†soos vroue, “gestremdes†en “heidene†ʼn toonaangewende rol in die boek. Die naasmekaarstelling van “ideale†en “nie-ideale liggame†in die boek skep beide spanning en ironie, veral wanneer die “nie-ideale vroulike liggaam†inisiatief neem terwyl die ideale manlike Israeliet dikwels ʼn bedreiging skep wat op skade of skande uitloop (bv Rgt 14–16). Die rol wat Agsa in Rigters 1:11–15 speel is ʼn illustrasie van ʼn “teenkultuur-retoriek†as verskuilde polemiek (vgl ook 4–5; 9:50; 11:37–40; 13).


The literary depiction of this story in the book of Judges reflects a corporate unit of tribes or clans in which individuals played a prominent role. Within the tribal organisation these individuals could be expected to have typical “ideal bodies†– entirely masculine Israelites. “Non-ideal bodiesâ€, such as women, the handicapped and heathens, in contrast, play a leading role in the book. The juxtaposition of the “ideal†and the “non-ideal body†in Judges creates both tension and irony, especially when the “non-ideal female body†takes the initiative, while the ideal manly Israelite often creates a threat that results in harm or shame (e.g. Judges 14–16). The role Achsah plays in Judges 1:11–15 is an illustration of a counter-culture rhetoric as hidden polemic (cf also 4–5; 9:50; 11:37–40; 13).


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How to Cite

le Roux, Magdel. 2015. “AGSA, VROU VAN OTNIËL”. Journal for Semitics 24 (2):503-21.


