
  • Paulo Fagundes Visentini Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazilian Centre of Strategy and International Relations (Nerint)
  • Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazilian Centre of African Studies (Cebrafrica)




South Atlantic, Guinea Gulf, Zone of peace, Trade and Development.


The creation of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZPCSA) in 1986 and the Gulf of Guinea Commission (GGC) in 2001 was about changes in the distribution of world power. This article argues that though they emerged at different times, their strategic orientation converges in a number of areas related to the significant interests in the South Atlantic as an area of stability in the region to be marked by strong political, economic and military ties. They also converge on the ideal for development, security and greater projection of power and influence in international affairs. The South Atlantic being a route of passage and trade, as a means of access and flow of energy products, the region became a site for new calculations of regional strategic powers about world affairs. The article also argues that ZPCSA and GGC are therefore crucial for the regional order and the development of higher capacities for cooperation on strategic issues. The actual point of convergence extends to ensuring the sovereignty through dialogue between the states in the region that are involved.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Fagundes Visentini, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazilian Centre of Strategy and International Relations (Nerint)

Professor of International Relations at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil. Director of Brazilian Centre of Strategy and International Relations (Nerint)

Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazilian Centre of African Studies (Cebrafrica)

Professor of International Relations at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil. Director of Brazilian Centre of African Studies (Cebrafrica)


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How to Cite

Visentini, Paulo Fagundes, and Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira. 2015. “POLITICAL AND STRATEGIC COORDINATION AND COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT: THE CASES OF ZPCSA AND GGC”. Latin American Report 31 (2):19-36. https://doi.org/10.25159/0256-6060/617.



Received 2015-11-13
Accepted 2016-01-25
Published 2016-10-13