
  • Pendo Joseph Oweru Mzumbe University
  • Nathan Mnjama University of Botswana



preservation, archives and records management, Records and Archives Management Department, Tanzania


The aim of this study was to assess preservation practices at the Records and Archives Management Department (RAMD) in Tanzania and to make recommendations aimed at ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of archives held at RAMD. The population of the study consisted of the Director of RAMD, two Assistant Directors, ten Senior Records Officers, two Records Officers, three Senior Records Management Assistants, three Principal Records Management Assistants and one Records Management Assistant. The data collection instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observation and content analysis. Qualitative data analysis was used to gain a better understanding of the issues under investigation. The findings indicated that legislation relating to the preservation of archives in Tanzania is not comprehensive enough and that RAMD lacks a preservation policy; preserves only paper-based materials; experiences a shortage of storage equipment; holds records under poor environmental conditions; lacks proper archival handling; carries out inadequate housekeeping practices; lacks adequate security and disaster preparedness measures; has inadequate conservation and restoration facilities; is underfunded; and lacks trained and experienced conservators. The study recommends amendments to the Records and Archives Management Act No. 3 of 2002; the formulation of a conservation policy; improvements in housekeeping practices and handling practices; and effective monitoring of temperature and relative humidity.


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How to Cite

Oweru, Pendo Joseph, and Nathan Mnjama. 2014. “ARCHIVAL PRESERVATION PRACTICES AT THE RECORDS AND ARCHIVES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT IN TANZANIA”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 32 (3):136-65.


