When the State Fails: The Role of the Khulumani Support Group in Obtaining Reparations for Victims of Apartheid


  • Mia Swart Research Director, Democracy and Governance Unit, HSRC and Visiting Professor, University of the Witwatersrand




reparations, victims, transitional justice, Khulumani, Truth and Reconciliation Committee, civil society, victim organsiations, Alien Tort Claims Act


‘Politics begins when one decides not to represent victims … but to be
faithful to those events during which victims politically assert themselves.’Alain Badiou (1985). Peut on penser la politique?
It is argued that one should not look at the state as the sole actor capable of delivering justice in transitional and post-transitional contexts. Victim organisations can be equally well equipped as and, in certain contexts, better equipped than the state to represent the interests of victims and to assist in formulating reparation policies.


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How to Cite

Swart, Mia. 2016. “When the State Fails: The Role of the Khulumani Support Group in Obtaining Reparations for Victims of Apartheid”. Southern African Public Law 31 (2):29 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2522-6800/2929.



Received 2017-07-12
Accepted 2017-07-12
Published 2017-11-15